oUR Staff tEAM:
Senior Leadership Team: |
Emma Richards Executive Headteacher |
Chris Coombs Deputy Headteacher |
Sara Wright Assistant Headteacher
Matt Henderson Assistant Headteacher
Jed Franklin Assistant Headteacher
Nerys Evans Safeguarding Lead
Lili Varela (Communication & Interaction)
Helen Slater Federation Business Manager |
Teachers: | Pastoral Team: |
Napier Miles Site: Rachel Scott (Early Years Lead) Rebecca Bardsley Emma Collins (Post- 16 Lead) Vicky Hudson (English Lead) Sergio Keusses Suzana Mico Melissa Minton Anja Misselhorn Jorge Perez-Jimenez Ella-May Stanier |
Faye Peters Family Support Mentor
Ally Churchill Pupil Support Mentor
Hal Cleverdon Pupil Support Mentor
Nicola Ness Transition Lead
Supported by a number of THRIVE practitioners across the school
Other non class based staff:
Katy Bishop Forest School Leader
Shirehampton Site: Elisabeth Aiken Kyriakos Chalkidis Chloe Milton |
Brightstowe Site: Cinthia Chiluiza (Music Lead) Amelia Corfield
Support Staff:
Each class also has a number of Teaching Assistants, Higher Level Teaching Assistants, and Pupil Support Assistants.
Please note due to GDPR this is not an extensive staff list.