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Kingsweston School

16 – 19 BURSARY 2024/25

The 16 to 19 Bursary Fund provides financial support to help students overcome the specific financial barriers to participation they face, so they can remain in Education.

You could get a bursary to help with Education - related costs if you're aged 16 to 19. A bursary is money that you, or your Education provider can use to pay for things like: clothing, books, equipment and transport costs.

For more information please see the Government guidelines:


Criteria and Eligibility

This is available to pupils between the ages of 16 and 19 who are in year 12 and above

Defined Vulnerable Groups

These students may receive £1200 for the year based on enrolling on a Full Time (ESFA funded) course.

The defined vulnerable groups are students who are:

  • in care

  • care leavers

  • receiving Income Support (IS), or Universal Credit (UC) because they are financially supporting themselves or financially supporting themselves and someone who is dependent on them and living with them, such as a child or partner

  • receiving Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payments (PIP) in their own right as well as Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) or UC in their own right. 

Discretionary Bursary

 For families who don’t qualify for the Vulnerable Bursary there are two application routes to apply for a Discretionary Bursary.

  1. Students who have received Pupil Premium. 

  2. Families who have a household income of £30000 or less.

The Discretionary Bursary amount is £400 per year and will be paid as a lump sum. There is an expectation that families use this money for school transportation or school-related activities.

To claim option 2, Families will need to provide the following evidence:

Your full up to date letter from DWP confirming annual income and allocation of tax credits or universal credit letter and a P60 or P45 whichever is relevant.  If the household is a single adult household, we will also need a copy of documentation to confirm this e.g. Council Tax Discount letter.

Applications will be sent out in Term 2.

For any assistance or support around 16 -19 Bursary, please  contact nicola.ness@cksf.org.uk