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Kingsweston School


Safeguarding Information

Safeguarding is an integral part of everything that we do at Kingsweston School. Safe and caring environments and relationships help our pupils to flourish into healthy, happy and resilient individuals who have a positive sense of belonging. We take an ‘it can happen here’ approach where safeguarding is concerned. 


If you have a safeguarding concern please contact the school on 0117 9030400 ask to speak to Nerys Evans (Designated Safeguarding Lead).


Alternatively you can speak to any of our Deputy Designated Safeguard Leads (DDSL)- 

Emma Richards

Executive Head Teacher

Chris Coombs

Deputy Head Teacher

Sara Wright

Assistant Head Teacher

Jed Franklin

Assistant Head Teacher

Matt Henderson

Assistant Head Teacher

Lili Varela

Assistant Head Teacher

Faye Peters

Family Support Mentor


Our safeguarding team all have regular external training to allow them to do their job with skill, knowledge and confidence. All staff working in the school have safeguarding training annually and topic specific training throughout the year. This covers general safeguarding requirements, topics that meet student need, local and national developments and Keeping Children Safe in Education guidance. This training gives staff the confidence they need to raise any concerns in an informed, timely and appropriate way. Staff are all aware that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.


We value our partnership with parents/carers and encourage open and transparent conversations. There are occasions however where our statutory duties require us to consult, share information with other agencies. Parents and carers play a role in safeguarding children in their community. If you have any concerns regarding school you are encouraged to speak to your child’s class teacher or the contacts listed above. School can also advise you on who to contact if you have wider concerns. If you think a child or young person may be in immediate danger, call 999. Otherwise contact Bristol City Councils First Response on 0117 903 6444.


Staff are aware that the communication needs of our students can be a barrier to expressing their worries or concerns. Students are supported to bring concerns to the attention of staff, through such things as access to Augmented Alternative Communication (AAC's) strategies, staff who are observant and vigilant to signs of abuse, a curriculum that supports them to develop a positive sense of worth for themselves and those around them, positive interaction role-models and individualised learning outcomes which are embedded into an updated curriculum. The role of the ‘trusted adult’ for the students is key in supporting this.


Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children, their families and carers, has a role to play.


Please visit our Child Protection Policy on the Policies Page for further information.