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Kingsweston School


My name is Emma Richards and I am the Executive Headteacher of the Claremont and Kingsweston Federation. 

Kingsweston School is a very diverse school which is located across 3 different sites in north Bristol. However, we are one school with a whole school ethos. We see each pupil as an individual and we want them to achieve the best they can whilst at Kingsweston School. I am privileged to work with so many pupils in Bristol.


At Kingsweston School we have a personalised, ambitious curriculum that entices curiosity and develops skills for life. We promote a sense of identity and belonging to our school, local and wider community.

We support our learners to flourish into healthy and resilient individuals. We champion independence and self-advocacy so the leaners’ voice is heard and respected. We achieve this through our values of Creativity, Connectedness, Nurture and Empowerment.