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Kingsweston School

EYFS (Early Years)

 The Early Years Curriculum at Kingsweston is delivered to students in Reception, Year 1, and some students in Year two. We believe that an early years approach is the most suitable for the KS1 students at Kingsweston. It is typical for students joining Kingsweston to have missed out on a full time early year’s education or require further opportunities to consolidate the key developmental fundamentals is vital and offers most equitably experience for students.    


  Within EYFS, we aim to provide a broad, balanced, differentiated curriculum which addresses the children‘s social, emotional, physical, intellectual, moral and cultural development within a safe, secure, stimulating environment. Our curriculum enables the students to learn and develop skills, attitudes and understanding in these areas of learning; The prime areas;

  • Personal, Emotional and Social Development
  • Communication and Language
  • Physical development 

The specific areas;

  • Mathematics
  • Literacy
  • Understanding the World 
  • Expressive Art and Design

  For the delivery of the EYFS curriculum we used the Bristol Differentiated Early Years Outcomes (DEYO) which is designed to show progress and reflect the achievements of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). 


Our EYFS curriculum also follows the whole school curriculum themes, with EYFS topics that relate directly to each termly whole school theme:



The EYFS topics act as an engagement vehicle for progress towards the prime and specific areas of learning (as mentioned above).