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Kingsweston School

Communication & Interaction

At Kingsweston school, we strongly believe that Communication and Interaction is the foundation for our students’ learning, thinking and well-being. It is the ‘golden thread’ that runs through the whole curriculum embedded into teaching and learning across areas.

The Early Intervention Foundation’s (EIF) report (2017) reiterates that “early language acquisition impacts on all areas of a child’s non-physical development as it contributes to their ability to manage emotions and communicate feelings, to establish and maintain relationships, to think symbolically, and to learn to read and write.”

All children and young people have the right to understand and be understood in all aspects of life, therefore, at Kingsweston School we strive to develop students’ voice by supporting them to flourish into healthy, resilient, independent, competent, and self-advocate individuals.

At Kingsweston School we support children and young people with a range of Speech and Language and Social Communication difficulties. Our Communication and Interaction Lead works collaboratively with all Staff, Speech and Language Therapy Services (NHS & TALK), and Parents/ Carers to:

  • identify individual barriers to communication and preferred methods of communication;
  • set and monitor bespoke Pupil Learning Outcomes;
  • deliver a range of tailored programmes to develop speech, expressive language, comprehension and social interaction skills;
  • and make personalised resources to meet individual needs.

 Our staff have a crucial role in supporting a child’s communication and language development by engaging students in high-quality interactions and promoting effective learning environments, which entice students’ curiosity and invite them to communicate with others and expand their vocabulary, language, and knowledge, through appropriate scaffolding and use of a range of Communication and Interaction Strategies: 

  • Total Communication Approach;
  • Gestures and Facial Expressions;
  • Musical Cues;
  • Makaton;  
  • Visual Aids: Objects of Reference, Photos & Symbols;
  • Low-tech AAC (Communication Books & Communication Boards - following Colourful Semantics Approach, PECS, Positive Directive and Transition Cards, Symbolised Timetables, Now & Next Boards); 
  • High-tech AAC ( Voice Output Communication Aids - VOCAs); 
  • Verbal Speech; 
  • Expressive Arts & Writing;
  • Intensive Interaction;
  • Attention Autism;
  • Communication Friendly Learning Environment;
  • Social Stories;

Click the symbols below to find out more about some of the communication strategies used at Kingsweston School.

communication interaction all staff.pdf


Term 3 - Communication & Interaction Newsletter (2023/2024)